Meet Aríel and Her Friends
Your stay at Aríel's offers much more than a relaxing night's rest. You will want to tour the property and visit Ariel the Icelandic horse and the other residents of the barnyard.

Our little gift from God!! We had just lost a foal and didn’t realize that Hela, Ariel’s mother was pregnant. One day Margo was looking out into the paddock and thought she saw a dog lying on the ground. After putting some more thought into what it was, she realized it was a new born foal-Ariel. Margo had to bottle feed Ariel so there is a very special bond between them. Ariel is now two years old, still enjoying being a foal that is full of life and love.
Update: Sadly our Ariel unexpectedly passed away this past winter. Needless to say Margo is broken hearted. Ariel will be greatly missed by Margo, her animal companions and the guests of this Bed & Breakfast that have grown to love her as well.

Hela is the most laid back horse you will ever want to be around, like Ariel, full of love and likes hugs. She was born in Iceland and is now twenty years old. Margo has given her a nick name of Hey-La-Lee which she does answer to!!
Kedja, pronounced Keth-ee-yah, is one of the best riding horses ever. She minds well and has some pretty good get up and go!! Kedja was also born in Iceland, and is now 18 years old. She does not want the affection the other girls do unless you have a donut or sweet bread in your hand for her.

Hersir is not on the property, although he is in New York living out his life as a gelding. Hersir is Ariel’s father but has also been known to “court” Kedja. He is also a product of Iceland and has a rather small but regal stature.

Jones is our resident brown tabby that is 1 year old. His personality is such that he likes to talk and carry on a conversation with you, and is the instigator of all the trouble the two kitties get in to. Tickle him on the tummy and he is one happy kitty.

Martin, an orange tabby, is Jones’ brother. You will occasionally see Martin chasing Jones and pouncing on him. Martin is about five pounds heavier than Jones so he has a definite jump on Jones. Once Martin warms up to you, he is the lap kitty that every one wants, just plain sweet and lovable. Martin lets Jones find the trouble then he will take over and lead the conquest!
Toby, the youngest kitty of the household, born in 2012. Margo was outside after a rain storm and found him in the grass just soaked. He was so tiny he still fell over when he walked. Margo isn’t certain where he came from. He spent the first few weeks of his home life in the front pockets of her sweatshirts until he felt comfortable to romp on his own. He is now 14 pounds of love and joy.
A note about Jones and Martin. Margo contacted Love-A-Stray Animal Rescue in Avon, Ohio to find lovable friends. Jones and Martin were put out in a Cleveland winter as 5 month old kittens and a kind person found them and took them to Love-A-Stray (a no kill adoption agency). Once they were neutered, Margo found herself with two of the most fun and loving little kitties and they have turned into friends and entertainment for family and guests.